Success Story
Camel Rescue Centre – A success story

It was a foggy morning in the last month. The Camel Rescue Centre (CRC) team was preparing to leave to the scheduled site for treatment. A lame camel slowly moved into the centre. It was limping at its right forelimb. Mool Chand, the camel owner narrated that his camel had punctured foot pad for more than a week.
He explained that he had come from a distance of 6 KMS where no veterinary care is available for camels. He came to know about CRC from one of his friends who has got his camel treated at CRC earlier. Mool Chand was in great distress to see his camel’s suffering. He requested Dr Deepak (CRC vet) that his mere hope for his camel’s life was with him only.
Dr Deepak consoled and assured him that his camel would be all right in few days. The camel was sedated using Xylazine injection to minimize the pain during the treatment.
Dr Deepak thoroughly examined the foot pad. A small piece of glass was taken out from the foot pad of the camel. Wound was cleaned with antiseptic solution and bandaged to prevent further soiling of foot pad from dust. A complete course of antibiotics and painkillers along with regular dressing was followed.
After six weeks of regular veterinary care, camel started walking normally. Moolchand felt very happy and overjoyed. He expressed his thankfulness to the entire CRC team and their hard work for saving his camel’s life. He had almost lost hope that his camel would be able to work with him in near future. Everyone at CRC enjoyed this wonderful moment of success.

This is the only one case among many other camels that are getting treatments inside and outside the CRC. 20 treatments were given at CRC which includes 06 treatments for other species of animals.
155 camels were attended during the out visits at different sites. A total number of 17 visits were made by the team at surrounding areas near Bassi. 88 camels were de-wormed. 102 reflectors were fitted to the camel carts to protect them from fatal injuries during night time.
Dr. Pradeep Singhal