Both Kalimpong and Darjeeling Animal Shelters carry out many camps every year, mostly in remote villages and settlements, which are...
Both Kalimpong and Darjeeling Animal Shelters carry out many camps every year, mostly in remote villages and settlements, which are...
On the 25th of March, 2017, Kalimpong Animal Shelter organised a camp at Kanke Bong, which is located in the...
In March and April Christine and Jeremy Townend, who founded Kalimpong Animal Shelter and Darjeeling Aimal Shelter visited both, and...
Last October 2015 we spent 17 wonderful days at Kalimpong animal shelter as volunteer veterinarians, contributing to the animal birth control, vaccination programs and medical consultations with Dr. Deo Pandey and his team.
Impact of dog ABC- The much talked sights of puppies running behind lactating bitches, puppies dying around, road accidents of...